Wednesday 7 May 2014

Ficus Bonsai Trees

Ficus Bonsai Trees Become A Part Of The Family

Bonsai trees have been a pleasant pastime for centuries. This type of art of planting trees in pots and clipping their ends started in China and found itself to be a pastime that has captured the hearts of people all over the world. The best part about the tree is, the indoor bonsai remains in the house so the owner does not have to worry about insects and rain destroying their plant.

Introducing the Ficus Bonsai Tree

The ficus bonsai tree is eye captivating tree that is not normally seen driving on a highway. People who own them keep them inside or have a special indoor garden so their trees can stretch and grow healthily. Most people do not know this, but just as a human needs love plants need love as well. If these indoor trees do not feel the love from their owners they will lose leaves and maybe even die.

These Branches Do Not Look Like Outside Tree Branches

Making a bonsai tree unique is an art that takes time and patients. This miniature tree is definitely more fragile than an outside tree, but the appearance of the tree may lead a person to believe that it can withstand any pain because of the age it looks. In order for the branches to not resemble a regular tree a flower artist will using various wiring styles and trim the leaves and stems to their liking.

Inside the Tree Pot

It is known that a tree cannot only live from water; soil is its food to grow big and strong roots. The indoor bonsai will need some healthy soil, meaning one that is known for quick draining. This is because ficus bonsai does not require an abundance of soil or water for the matter. This miniature tree and all trees are made of wood and when wood is soaked in water for long periods of time the wood will rot. Tree rotting is not the form of art that a person is trying to capture when creating their unique tree, so they remain clear of slow draining soils.

Change The Tree Pot

Some people give their trees an extra boost by adding fertilizer, which makes the roots of the tree grow extremely fast. Repotting the tree will allow it to continue growing and producing more branches to manicure.

The ficus species is a miniature tree that has captured the hearts of many. It is a magnificent eye catching, crafty, loveable tree that will stay alive and healthy as long it is treated like a part of the family. The indoor bonsai is one that will look lonely by itself and when a person begins creating their first they soon have the urge to start a personal rich with bonsai trees.

Friday 7 March 2014

Monkey Thorn / Apiesdoring Bonsai

Monkey Thorn / Apiesdoring Bonsai – Year 1999

Bought this old Bonsai a week ago and pruned and shaped it to eventually grow into a dome.

Bark – Most acacia bark is rough and has a tendency to flake which makes it an even more beautiful Bonsai Tree. 

Trunks – Acacia bonsai trunks are usually flexible and single when young but at a later stage split into low and heavy branches. Healing is relatively easy if the tree in encouraged to expand so pruning back should result in a crop of new branches.

Branches – The branches are often mistaken for multi-trunks due to their. The branches are known to weaken if they are grown in a descending manner. It’s in the trees’ best interest that it is treated as it is in nature with a short trunk and low, ascending branches. There should be a crown formed by multitude branch ends.

At the moment this is my favourite of all my Bonsai’s.

Monday 24 February 2014

Chinese Elm Bonsai

Chinese Elm Bonsai - Year 2005

I just got this Chinese Elm bonsai. It has lovely structure and some nice bends. I will be documenting the growth of this bonsai tree every month as i learn more about bonsai trees and bending them into awesome shapes. 

About the chinese elm

The Chinese Elm, Ulmus Parvifolia: is a remarkably engaging species with little green leaves, fine twigs, heavenly extensions and a bending trunk. It has superb trunk basal flare, and brings out an idea of age grace. 

The Chinese Elm Bonsai tree, local to China, Japan and Korea, is amongst the most mainstream elaborate trees for novices, as it is not difficult to nurture, and remarkable to take a gander at. In hotter climates the Chinese elm will remain evergreen, in cooler climates the tree is decidous, in any case, its leaves will wait at the finish of developing season. 

The little leaves are hard situated, making it an extraordinary member in Bonsai. The bark has phenomenal attributes and compositions, going from smooth to harsh. 

One of the fundamental attractions of the Chinese elm is the noteworthy differentiation that might be attained between a thick trunk and the delicacy of quite fine development at the tips of the extensions. Watering and feeding your Chinese elm plays a very important part in its healthy growth.

Wired up Bonsai

I have already attached some wires to this bonsai tree, and bent some of the branches to get some platforms going on this bonsai. Once all the wiring has been done, you need to be careful not to leave them on for too long or make them too tight or you could ruin the trunk of your bonsai tree as it gets bigger. Wiring a bonsai can be a lot of fun and very relaxing. Just be sure to choose the right thickeness of wire for your bonsai. Depending on the flexibility of your bonsai will tell you what thickness wire you should be using on you tree while shaping it.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Ficus Ginseng Bonsai

Ficus Ginseng Bonsai - Year 2007

Local to Malaysia, Taiwan and other Southeast and East Asian nations, the Ginseng Ficus is a magnificent decision for learner bonsai tree cultivators. 

Ficus ginseng bonsai, at times reputed to be the Taiwan Ficus, Banyan Fig or Indian Laurel Fig, the Ginseng Ficus is described by the state of its solid roots and stems and little, substituting oval dim green leaves that grow up the stem. A Ginseng Ficus will regularly have two or all the more extensive, thick roots that seem to look more like tree trunks than a normal root. Commonly, a Ginseng Ficus bonsai is noted for a thick, pot-bellied trunk like a Ginseng plant's root. 

The Ginseng Ficus is perfect for beginners or new comers to the shaping of bonsai trees. It is particularly suited to anybody looking to develop a bonsai tree as a diversion, since it is regularly viewed as the most effortless bonsai tree to develop. 

Despite the fact that the Ginseng Ficus flourishes outside in warm tropical or subtropical climates, it obliges little daylight. Truth be told, this specific bonsai does great inside, lasting through the year, far from immediate daylight provided it is watered respectably. The Ginseng Ficus can endure low light conditions and extreme daylight can really burn the leaves and hinder the bonsai's development. 

The point when developing a Ginseng Ficus Bonsai, or most bonsai trees for that matter, its essential to attempt to start pruning at an early stage in the bonsai's development with a specific end goal, to form, develop and structure the bonsai into an alluring shape. As the bonsai develops, keep trimming with common bonsai shears or sharp scissors to uproot unwanted limbs and foliage. It might be accommodating to utilize a curved cutter to uproot tree appendages without scarring the roots and stems. The Ginseng Ficus will commonly develop uneven limbs all around the year, which are effortlessly reasonable and could be made into any number of articulations and shapes. Make sure to feed your ficus ginseng bonsai for healthy growth.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Fig Bonsai Tree

Ficus Burt Daveyii - Fig Bonsai - Year 2013

Loving this little tree, it's only 1 year old and I have already had so much fun bending it into a very cute shape, keeping an eye on the growth so will update soon. The fig bonsai tree seem to grow quite a bit slower than the chinese elm, but its still young.

Friday 21 February 2014

Buxus Box Wood Bonsai

Buxus Box Wood Bonsai - Year 2011

Boxwood have a lot of great attributes that are advantageous for bonsai. Dark green leaves that decrease well, regularly short internodes and they can take hard pruning that prompts productive back growing. Boxwood additionally have shallow, sinewy root frameworks that regularly generate compelling surface roots and nebari Japanese Box foliage. Feeding and watering your bonsai is very important for healthy growth.

The bark of Boxwood turns full grown toward an early age however is dainty and effectively harmed so be careful when overwhelming pruning or wiring. As the bark gets filthy quite effectively, amassed soil and green growth could be cleaned utilizing water and an old toothbrush. Decently sustained Boxwood are quick producers yet are quite moderate to thicken. It is said that field developed Boxwood can have trunks of as meager 3" 20 or even 30 years later. Consequently it is essential to source older stock to use for bonsai. Old fences and garden material are a superb source of material. Gather Boxwood in March and April uprooting all ground soil (uncovered establishing). Boxwood bonsai can be air layered effectively, and are best begun in April. Cuttings should be taken from Autumn to early Spring; use cuttings of no less than 4"/10cm length for more amazing triumph. Little wounds on the Buxus bonsai mend well yet bigger wounds, especially on more senior parts of the tree, are quite moderate to recuperate. Repot each other year and keep created bonsai marginally root bound on events; more regular re-potting can bring about bigger leaves as the tree gets to be particularly overwhelming.

Pruning and trimming Boxwood 

Boxwoods consistently need trimming of the foliage mass to permit light into the inward limbs to stop them getting uncovered and to incite back-budding. General pruning serves to expand consequence and decrease leaf size also. In any case, it is additionally imperative to permit some free development to guarantee the in general health of the bonsai is upheld. Free, unlimited development of the first flush of development could be permitted in Spring (around April/may hinging upon your climate) to fortify the tree, accompanied by strict squeezing and pruning for whatever remains of the year to refine the foliage